
3 Consuelo Place, Oakdale, NY 11769

Phone Number

(631) 589 - 2699

Date Visited



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View Restaurant


View  is located at 3 Consuelo Place, Oakdale, NY.  Two  accessible spaces are located close to the covered, stone entryway. Street-level, double doors lead to a vestibule and another set of double doors.  There is a bench in the vestibule and one outside.

There are several dining areas with smooth floors and ample space between tables, as well as a full-height bar. A small step leads to the outdoor, stone patio.  To avoid this step, walk around the outside of the building. 

Multi-stall, accessible restrooms are located in the hallway just inside the main entrance. Entry and exit are OK. There are no baby-changing facilities.



    Attraction Type:  dining
    Number of accessible spaces:  2
    Location of accessible spaces:  close to entrance
    Surface of lot:  paved
    Distance to venue:  close
    Transportation to venue offered:  na
    Terrain:  flat
    Places to rest:  bench in front of main entrance, another in vestibule
    Paths and walkways:  stone walkways, covered entryway
    Location of accessible entrance:  main entrance
    Doors:  double doors, vestibule, another set of double doors
    Number of floors:  1
    Elevators:  na
    Ramps:  none
    Steps and staircases:  one step from dining room and bar/lounge area, to patio
    Width of aisles:  ample space between tables
    Places to sit:  tables & chairs, banquettes, full-height bar
    Location of restrooms:  in hallway just inside, and to the left of main entrance
    Type of restroom:  multi-stall, accessible - no baby-changing facilities
    Ease of entry and exit:  OK
    Baby changing station:  none
    Available food services:  lunch, brunch, dinner
    Friendliness of staff:  pleasant and professional
    Notes:  Although there is one step from the dining room to the patio, this can be avoided by walking around the right side of building to patio. There is no step this way.

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On a glorious June day, a friend and I headed to the View for a late lunch. This is a beautiful restaurant, with magnificent views of the Great South Bay. If you are lucky enough to get a table on the deck, you feel that you are, literally, on the water. Along with delicious food and gracious service, nothing could be better on a perfect summer day.

Parking was easy in the paved, lot. There are two accessible spaces close to the covered, street-level, double door main entrance. It is also easy to pull up to the entrance, let the passenger out, and then park. If one wants to wait for the driver, there are several places to sit.

The  entry area leads to the host/hostess stand. Just looking at beautiful indoor dining areas makes one want to dine here, but continue to the single door leading to the deck and you know you don’t want to dine inside. There is a step down to the deck from both the dining area and the bar/lounge area. This can be avoided by going back outside the main entrance and following the path around the building to the right. If you know that you are going to be seated outside and cannot manage the step, let someone from your party go inside to check in and that person can then return to assist you to the deck. I’m sure that many people would appreciate it if the View would consider placing a ramp to the deck at one of the doors to outside.

We were seated at a perfect table, with amazing views on all sides. Our server was very lovely, never rushing us to make any decisions. She saw that we were busy chatting and taking in the view.  We finally made our decisions, Shrimp Cob Salad and a Tuna Poke Bowl. They were both luscious. A glass of wine was the perfect accompaniment.

Multi-stall, restrooms with an accessible stall (not large), and sink are located in a hallway close to the main entrance. If you are sitting outside, remember the step to get back inside, or better yet, walk around to the front, go in the main entrance, turn left and find the restrooms. There are no baby-changing facilities.

If you want “exquisite waterfront dining amidst breathtaking views of the Great South Bay,” this is a great place to consider.

As always we at Destination Accessible, advise you to visit a venue’s website, www.viewoakdale,com, when planning a visit,  to get more information.

If you are interested, see our original review below. It was great then and is still wonderful now!

From July, 2017

“View” is the perfect name for this restaurant that we found by chance.  We had some time for lunch before an appointment in Oakdale. What to do? Find a place for lunch!  We looked online for something close. Being a gorgeous summer day, it  had to have outdoor dining, preferably with a water view.  Well, we hit the jackpot with “View.”  It has a lovely stone patio with a spectacular view of the Great South Bay. We could even see Fire Island.  Sitting on the patio we felt as though we were sitting on top of the water.  It is nice that the tables are well spaced for easy navigation. Our table was under a gazebo, providing nice shade along with a cool breeze from the water.  We had a difficult time leaving after a wonderful lunch with professional service. Needless to say, Destination:Accessible  had to have a look around before leaving.

Let me give you the full report. The small, paved, parking lot has two  accessible spaces close to the covered entryway. If needed, one can easily be dropped off under the portico and wait on the bench here. We were told that there is valet parking for Sunday brunch hours. There is also a bench just inside the first set of double doors. There is a small lip  at this entrance.

The lobby area branches out into several dining areas. All have smooth floors and ample space between tables. There are three fireplaces, which must make winter dining very inviting! Take note that there is a small step to the outdoor patio.  This can be avoided by going around the outside of the building. There is live music on the patio on Friday and Saturday evenings.  Get details on the website.

Multi-stall, accessible restrooms are located off the lobby. Entry and exit are OK. There are no baby- changing facilities.

Can’t wait to take my better half to this inviting venue!

As always, we at Destination Accessible advise you to check a venue’s website,, when planning a visit, to “know before you go.



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