Things to Do At Home During Covid – no electronics needed! - 01/16/21
compiled by Roberta Rosenberg - Destination Accessible US, Inc.
Note: The following suggestions are a result of my research. It is by no means complete. Since I grew up long before electronics became a necessity in our lives, I drew on things my family, friends and I used to do and enjoy. I’m sure you will be able to add more.
- complete a puzzle you have - trade puzzles with others
- do crossword puzzles, Suduko, or other word games- start a journal about this time (I used to keep a “diary”)- meditate- practice yoga
- write actual letters to family and/or friends
- get a pen pal
- knit, crochet, needlepoint, hook a rug
- paint, draw, learn to scrapbook,
- interview grandparents, parents, other relatives or friends
over the phone - save the audio and create a story about
the person
- write a book with your family - choose a topic - each person
writes a chapter on the topic
- look at family photos - make a photo collage for your room of
for a gift
- make birthday cards in advance
- learn calligraphy
- create a list of things you want to do when we get out again
- get a free trial of a TV streaming service and binge watch as
much as you can before it expires (be careful of end date)
- watch a tv show at the same time as a friend - talk on the
phone as you watch or as soon as it is over
- try new recipes - or learn to cook or bake
- libraries are open for “pick-up” borrow a really long movie
you have always wanted to watch
- borrow a cookbook
- borrow videos
- borrow books on topics that interest you
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