Out of town
Name:Long Trail Brewery
Address: 5520 Route US 4, Bridgewater Commons, Vermont 05035
Phone: (802) 672 - 5011
Website: www.longtrail.com
Type of Attraction: Dining; Out of Town; VT
Date Visited: 07/18/2015

Name:Magic Hat Brewery
Address: 5 Bartlett Bay Road, South Burlington, Vermont 05403
Phone: (802) 658 - BREW
Website: www.magichat.net
Type of Attraction: Out of Town; Popular Places; VT
Date Visited: 03/25/2015

Name:Mass MoCa (Massachusetts Museum of Compemporary Art)
Address: 1040 Mass MoCa Way, North Adams, Mass. 01247
Phone: (413) 662-2111
Website: www.massmoca.org
Type of Attraction: museumMA; Museums; Out of Town
Date Visited: 1-17-25

Name:Muir Woods National Monument
Address: 1 Muir Woods Road, Mill Valley, Ca. 94941
Phone: (415) 388 - 2595
Website: www.nps.gov/muwo
Type of Attraction: CA; Out of Town; Parks
Date Visited: 03/13/2015

Name:Springfield Museums (Springfield, Mass)
Address: 21 Edwards Street, Springfield, Mass. 01103
Phone: (413) 263-6800
Website: www.springfieldmuseums.org
Type of Attraction: museums Kid Friendly; MA; Museums; Out of Town
Date Visited: 7-26-24

Name:Nantucket Island, Massachusetts
Type of Attraction: MA; Out of Town; Popular Places
Date Visited: 05/26/2015

Name:National Geographic Museum
Address: 1145 17th Street NW, Washington , DC 20036
Phone: (202) 857 - 7700
Website: www.nationalgeographic.com
Type of Attraction: DC; Kid Friendly; Museums; Out of Town
Date Visited: 10/10/2015

Name:New England Maple Museum & Gift Shop
Address: 4578 US-7, Pittsford, Vermont
Phone: (802) 483-9414
Website: www.maplemuseum.com
Type of Attraction: museumMuseums; Out of Town; Uncategorized; VT
Date Visited: 11-19-21

Name:Oakland Museum of California
Address: 1000 Oak Street, Oakland, California94607
Phone: (510) 318 - 8400
Website: www.museumca.org
Type of Attraction: Kid Friendly; Museums; Out of Town; West
Date Visited: 10/30/2016
Name:Over Easy, Huntington
Address: 48 G Gerard Street, Huntington, NY 11743
Phone: (631) 865-3279
Website: www.overeasyhuntington.com
Type of Attraction: diningDining; Dining; Dining; Dining; Long Island; Suffolk
Date Visited: 11-12-24

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