Out of town
Name:Green Mountain Coffee Visitor Center and Cafe
Address: 1 Rotarian Place, Waterbury, Vermont 05676
Phone: (877) 879 - 2326
Website: www.vermonttourismnetwork.com
Type of Attraction: Dining; Out of Town; Popular Places; VT
Date Visited: 03/25/2015

Name:Greeters Corner, Laguna Beach,
Address: 329 South Pacific Coast Hghwy., Laguna Beach, Ca. 92651
Phone: (949) 494 - 0361
Website: www.thegreeterscorner.com
Type of Attraction: CA; Dining; Out of Town
Date Visited: 07/28/2015

Name:Harpoon Brewery
Address: 336 Ruth Carney Drive, Windsor, Vt. 05089
Phone: (802) 674 - 5491
Website: www.harpoonbrewery.com
Type of Attraction: Dining; Out of Town; VT
Date Visited: 07/18/2015

Name:In-N-Out Burger, Oakland, Ca.
Address: 8300 Oakport Street, Oakland, Ca. 94621
Phone: (800) 786 - 1000
Website: www.in-n-out.com
Type of Attraction: CA; Dining; Out of Town
Date Visited: 11/04/2018

Name:Japanese Tea Garden, San Francisco
Address: 75 Hegiwara Tea Garden Drive, San Francisco, Ca. 94118
Phone: (415) 752 - 1171
Website: www.japaneseteagardensf.com
Type of Attraction: CA; Kid Friendly; Out of Town
Date Visited: 04/27/2015

Name:JFK Memorial, Hyannis, Mass
Address: Ocean Street, Hyannis, Mass. 02601
Phone: (508) 36- 9484
Website: www.jfkhyannismuum.org
Type of Attraction: MA; Out of Town
Date Visited: 05/30/2015

Name:Kreme n Kone
Address: 961 Main Street, (Rte 28), West Dennis, Mass., 02670
Phone: (508) 394 - 0808
Website: www.kremenkone.com
Type of Attraction: Dining; MA; Out of Town
Date Visited: 05/27/2015

Name:Lake Champlain Chocolates Factory
Address: 750 Pine Street, Burlington, Vermont 05401
Phone: (802) 864-1807
Website: www.lakechamplainchocolates.com
Type of Attraction: Dining; Out of Town; VT
Date Visited: 03/25/2015

Name:Lindsay Wildlife Experience
Type of Attraction: CA; Out of Town
Date Visited: 01/16/2017
Name:Lobster Pot
Address: 321 Commercial Street, Provincetown, Mass. 02657
Phone: (508) 487 - 4863
Website: www.ptownlobsterpot.com
Type of Attraction: Dining; MA; Out of Town
Date Visited: 05/25/2015

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