
    104 Montgomery Street, The Presidio, San Francisco, Ca. 94120

    Phone Number

    (415) 345 - 6830

    Date Visited



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    Disney Family Museum in the Presidio


    The Disney Famileum is located at 104 Montgomery Street, The Presidio, San Francisco. Parking  is available in the large, paved parking lot.  Handicapped spaces are readily available, although one may have to walk a bit to the Museum.The double door, main entrance requires going up ten steps or using the ramp that is located along the porch of the building.

    Flat carpet and/or wood covers the floors. An elevator goes to all levels.Benches can be found in the spacious lobby, as well as in some of the galleries. A cafe and gift shop are located on the main level.

    Multi-stall, handicapped-accessible restrooms are located on the lower level.  Two, single-occupancy, handicapped-accessible restrooms are located in the gallery on the upper level.


      Surface of lot:  paved
      Distance to venue:  close
      Transportation to venue offered:  no
      Terrain:  even
      Places to rest:  not outside
      Paths and walkways:  concrete and/or wood
      Doors:  double doors
      Number of floors:  3
      Elevators:  to all levels
      Ramps:  down to lower level
      Steps and staircases:  to all floors
      Width of aisles:  spacious
      Places to sit:  benches in lobby and some galleries
      Location of restrooms:  lower and upper floors
      Type of restroom:  multi-stall, handicapped-accessible on lower level - two, single-occupancy, handicapped accessible on upper level
      Ease of entry and exit:  OK
      Baby changing station:  on lower level
      Available food services:  cafe
      Friendliness of staff:  very friendly and helpful

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    If you are a Disney (and who isn’t?) a visit to the Disney Family Museum should be in your plans.  I finally got my chance in early March, when we headed to the Presidio (a National Park and former military base) where the museum is located in an historic brick building. Being a weekday probably helped us have an easy time parking close by in the large, paved parking area. We had to walk up ten steps to reach the double door main entrance. If steps are a problem there is a ramp at the end of the front porch.

    Once inside we found a large lobby leading to all areas of this 40,00 square foot building.  The cafe and gift shop are on this level as well. After paying our admission we took a look at some of the over 250 awards that Disney received.  Plush benches in the lobby offered nice places to rest.  Seating in some of the galleries allowed us to sit and enjoy some Disney music.  Everything is easily accessible, with wide aisles and lots of space.  Flat carpet and/or wood covers the floors.

    The Museum is set up in a timeline of the life of this visionary.  The Disney Family Museum is dedicated to “…the extraordinary journey of …Walt Elias Disney.” (website)  One enters the world of Walt Disney through words, video, movies, memorabilia, and songs.  A wonderful mix of sight and sound.  Some of the displays are interactive – put on headphones and be transported in time and place.  Throughout the galleries you will hear his voice along with the voices of those who worked with and knew him.  ” (brochure)  This museum “…melds history with state-of-the-art technology, including more than 200 video screens sprinkled throughout the galleries. The Fantasia Theater shows Disney classics six days a week.”” (website)

    The museum’s upper and lower levels can be reached by elevator as well as stairs.  From the upper level a spiral  ramp with acompanying timeline leads down to a 13 foot, scale model of Disneyland as Walt originally envisioned it – for me the highlight of this museum!

    Two, single-occupancy, handicapped-accessible restrooms are located in the gallery on the upper level.  Mutli-stall, handicapped-accessible restrooms, with baby-changing stations,  are located on the lower level.

    If you have an interest in anything Disney and want to know how it all came about, give this place a visit.

    As always, we at Destination Accessible advise you to check a venue’s website,, when planning a visit, to “know before you go.”



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