
Name: Jackson Hole, Bayside
Address: 3501 Bell Boulevard, Bayside, NY 11361
Phone: (718) 281 - 1136
Website: www.jacksonholeburgers.com
Type of Attraction: Dining
Date Visited: 09/10/2016

Name: Juniors, 45th Street
Address: 1515 Broadway, New York, NY 10019
Phone: (212) 302 - 2000
Website: juniorsrestaurantnewyork.com
Type of Attraction: Dining
Date Visited: 01/10/2016

Name: Juniors, 49th street
Address: 1626 Broadway, New York, NY 10019
Phone: (212) 365 - 3900
Website: www.juniorscheesecake.com
Type of Attraction: Dining
Date Visited: 03/15/2019

Name: La Baraka
Address: 255-09 Northern Blvd., Little Neck. NY , 11362
Phone: (718) 428 - 1461
Website: labarakarest.com
Type of Attraction: Dining
Date Visited: 03/26/2017

Name: Le Pain Quotidien, Yorkville
Address: 1592 First Avenue, NY, NY 10028
Phone: (646) 681 - 3110
Website: www.lepainquotidien.com
Type of Attraction: Dining
Date Visited: 04/25/2016

Name: Lennys Clam Bar
Address: 161-03 Crossbay Boulevard, Howard Beach, Ny 11414
Phone: (718) 845 - 5100
Website: lennysclambar.com
Type of Attraction: Dining
Date Visited: 07/31/2018

Name: Little Dumpling
Address: 252-20 Northern Boulevard, Little Neck, NY 11362
Phone: (718) 225 - 1178
Website: www.littledumplingny.com
Type of Attraction: Dining
Date Visited: 07/19/2018

Name: New Bodai Vegetarian/Kosher Restaurant
Address: 59-08 Main Street, Flushing, New York 11355
Phone: (718) 939 -1188
Website: www.newbodaivegetarian.com
Type of Attraction: Dining
Date Visited: 11/29/2015

Name: Paris Cafe & Lisbon Bar at TWA Hotel, JFK Airport
Address: 6 Central Terminal Avenue, JFK Airport, Jamaica, NY 11430
Phone: (212 806-9000
Website: www.twahotel.com
Type of Attraction: Dining
Date Visited: 08/15/2019

Name: Redeye Grill
Address: 890 7th Avenue, New York, NY 10019
Phone: (212) 514-9000
Website: www.redeyegrill.com
Type of Attraction: dining
Date Visited: 10-18- 24

Lift and steps to entrance patio

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