
Name: 5 Napkin Burger
Address: 630 9th Ave
Phone: 212 757 2277
Website: www.5napkinburger.com
Type of Attraction: Dining
Date Visited: 08/25/2015

Name: Bond 45
Address: 154 West 45th Street, New York, NY 10036
Phone: (212) 869 - 4545
Website: www.bond 45.com
Type of Attraction: Dining
Date Visited: 07/05/2015

view of main entrance to Hauppauge Palace Diner

Name: Cafe Serai (in the Rubin Museum of Art)
Address: 150 West 17th Street, NY., NY 10011
Phone: (212) 620-5000 ext 375
Website: www.rubinmuseumorg
Type of Attraction: Dining
Date Visited: 05/27/2016

Name: Carmines, Times Square
Address: 200 W. 44th St. NY, NY 10036
Phone: (212) 221-3800
Website: www.carminesnyc.com
Type of Attraction: Dining
Date Visited: 03/05/2018

Name: Carnegie Diner & Cafe
Address: 205 West 57th Street, NYC 10019
Phone: (212) 664-1001
Website: www.carnegiediner.com
Type of Attraction: dining
Date Visited: 3-15-24

Tables and banquettes at front of Carnegie Diner

Name: Chelsea Market
Address: 75 Ninth Avenue, New York, NY 10011
Phone: (212) 652 - 2110
Website: www.chelseamarket.org
Type of Attraction: Popular Places
Date Visited: 07/07/2019

Name: Connie Cocktail Bar, at TWA Hotel
Address: 6 Central Terminal Avenue, JFK Airport, Jamaica, NY 11430
Phone: (212) 806 - 9000
Website: www.twahotel.com
Type of Attraction: Popular Places
Date Visited: 08/15/2019

Name: Fig & Olive, NYC, 52nd Street
Address: 10 Easts 52nd Street, NY, NY 10022
Phone: (212) 319 - 2022
Website: www.figandolive.com
Type of Attraction: dining
Date Visited: 3-2-25

Street view of Fig & Olive

Name: Hudson Garden Grill in the NY Botanical Garden
Address: 2900 Southern Boulevard, Bronx, NY 1045
Phone: (646) 627 - 771
Website: www.nybg.org/dining
Type of Attraction: Dining
Date Visited: 12/04/2019

Name: Industry City
Address: 220 36th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11232
Phone: (718) 965 - 6450
Website: www.industrycity.com
Type of Attraction: Popular Places
Date Visited: 06/24/2018

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