200 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, NY 11238
Phone Number
(718 ) 501 6326
Date Visited
Brooklyn Museum
Parking at the Brooklyn Museum is easy (but not free), in a paved lot at the rear of the Museum off Washington Avenue. The row of handicapped parking spots is closest to the entrance. The entrance is at street levels, with a handicapped assist push button.Once inside, navigating the museum is fairly easy. Several areas are accessed by ramps. One area of the museum is not handicapped accessible (see the Museum’s Floor Plan). There are large elevators to all floors. Most of the galleries are spacious, but lack places to sit.
There are two food options. One is the “Counter Café” and the other is the recently opened “Saul Restaurant.” Both are on the main floor and easily accessible.
Multi-stall, handicapped-accessible restrooms are located in the lobby, one the first and third floors. Single-occupancy, handiapped-accessible restrooms are located in the lobby.
- Attraction Type: museum
Number of accessible spaces: ?
Location of accessible spaces: ?
Surface of lot: paved
Distance to venue: close
Transportation to venue offered: NA
Terrain: flat
Places to rest: 0
Paths and walkways: paved
Location of accessible entrance: main entrance
Doors: double doors with handicapped assist button
Number of floors: 5
Elevators: 2 sets
Ramps: to some galleries
Steps and staircases: to each floor
Width of aisles: easily accessible
Places to sit: few
Location of restrooms: *main and 3rd floors
Type of restroom: multi-stall, handicapped accessible
Ease of entry and exit: good
Baby changing station: yes
Available food services: cafe and full-service restaurant
Friendliness of staff: helpful
Notes: * Single-occupancy family bathrooms are located in the lobby.
The promise of another interesting exhibit brought us to The Brooklyn Museum once again. “David Bowie is,” was well worth the trip. A fascinating look at all that Bowie was, from his early childhood to the end of his life. Photographs, videos, movies, prints, costumes, interviews,and music give a look at someone I did not know was so multi-talented. He not only wrote and sang, he appeared on Broadway and in the movies, painted and more.
We were very lucky to find a spot on the street today, but know that a paved, fee, parking lot is right outside the museum. The handicapped spaces are in the row closest to the museum. The entrance is at street level, with a handicapped assist push-button. The large lobby has lots of seating, as well as very large mutli-stall, handicapped-accessiblel restrooms, with baby-changing stations, as well as a family restroom. Large elevators go to all five floors. Most of the galleries are spacious, but lack places to sit.
The Bowie exhibit was in several easily accessible galleries on the fifth floor. We were surprised at the extent of this exhibit It was amazing.! We were there for several hours and could have been there longer if our feet had not given up. (It is a timed exhibit and so you cannot return once you leave). If you are unable to stand on your feet for a long period of time, be forewarned,there are only a few benches. Know that you can borrow a small folding chair from the museum when you get your complementary head set. Access is easy, but the exhibit was full-to-capacity.
Navigating the entire museum is fairly easy. Several areas are accessible by ramps. Only one area of the museum is not handicapped accessible (see the Museum’s Floor Plan).
Multi-stall restrooms (with the handicapped stalls farthest from the entrance) can be found on the first and third floors. Two, single-occupancy, family restrooms as well as very large, multi-stall restrooms, are located in the lobby. All have baby-changing facilities.
The Museum has several restaurants, all of which were packed today. We were so tired after the exhibit, we decided to just leave. This is a great exhibit, but the Museum itself is quite a treasure. Of course, the gift shop is not to be missed. It is now located at the main entrance.
As always, we at Destination Accessible, advise you to check a venue’s website,, when planning a visit, to “know before you go.”
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